"Why do you home school?"
Usually, the very sarcastic and 6-year old Ashley (what I call that inner me that chooses to be mean and unruly) begins to get excited for the upcoming battle in this conversation...but I've learned/learning to tame her! Because of the joy and excitement I have towards home schooling, I tend to ask the question, "Why DON'T you home school?".
I'm African American, and statistics show that of the over 1.5 million families homeschooling in America, Black folks make up a very small percentage of that! You can imagine what our extended families think! I'm usually bombarded with disapproving and sometimes rude statements. Besides the numerous statistics and research favoring home schooling over public schooling (as if that alone isn't enough), I've decided to tell the world why I choose to home school.
5. Public School...
I used to teach at a local public school...enough said.
4. I Don't Want to Miss a Thing
We are so excited when our infants and toddlers reach certain milestones. When they crawl, walk, first word, the list goes on and it is so wonderful and exhilarating to watch our children grow. I can't explain the feeling I get when one of my children does something he or she has never done before! As our children grow, they still reach certain milestones that we often miss when we are not able to spend much time with them. I feel truly blessed that God has allowed me to be here with them every step of the way to explore life together. I get to wake up to this:
3. Freedom
I have three little ones all under the age of five! Imagine gathering them all together just to drop off the oldest in the mornings for only half a day of school? Three hours later, gather them all again just to pick him up? No thanks! I love that a lot of days look like this:
I have freedom to choose WHEN they will learn, HOW they will learn, WHERE they will learn, and WHAT they will learn...everyday! FREEDOM! It beats sitting in a desk all day. And we take advantage!
2. They WILL Learn
In our home it is not a case of IF our children learn, we focus on WHEN they learn. The purpose of schools is to prepare our children to become good American citizens. Schools are supposed to train our children how to behave in a democratic society, how to make good decisions, and how to think. The purpose of OUR schooling is to equip my children with the Word of God and to love the Lord! If I do that properly, their behavior, decision making, and thinking will be A-OK! In my house, it's not acceptable for anyone to fall between the cracks!
1. Transforming (God-Centered), not Conforming ("Socialization")
Socialization is still a huge argument against homeschooling. Again, research has shown that the differences in social skills between public schooled children and home schooled children is very small and, in my opinion, the good definitely outweighs the bad. Again, in my opinion, just because typical home schooled children have mastered being meek, humble, and quiet gentle spirits...is that such a bad thing? Maybe in this world, but in our home we teach our children to set their hearts and eyes on the things above (Matthew 6:19-21). Their number one goal should be to please God, not the world. One who is friends of this world is enmity to God (James 4:4)! We choose God!
I'm a nerd...always have been...always will be! It's fun sparking that same interest of learning in my children. I love every minute...the headaches, the chaos, the laughter, the crying (both children and mommy :))...It's AMAZING!
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