Thursday, August 13, 2015

A Heart of Worship

There is nothing like being in the presence of God! I've said it once and I'll say it a million more times. God is truly amazing! There is nothing He can't handle. When you take your burdens to Him and lay them at the alter, He picks them up and takes them away.
God is so Good!
It's very easy to get in what I like to call a slump. When the stresses of life begin to be too great, when you are under attack by the enemy, or when you just can't seem to catch a break sometimes you begin to feel weakened. Your flesh begins to take control. You begin to take your focus off of God and His promises and start looking at the situations around you. The storms start raging, the wind begins to blow, and the boat begins to rock from side to side. But there is ONE who is STEADY, CONSISTENT, UNCHANGING, and able to say "Peace. Be still." and the entire storm ceases.
When you don't know what else to do, when you've ran out of words to say, when you feel lost or alone, GREAT! Now you're at a point that forces you to stop trying things on your own. You're at a point of total surrender. You have tried it all and realized you have nothing besides a broken spirit and a sincere heart. You can sincerely cry out to God and He will listen to the cries of His children.
If you truly need to be encouraged and desire peace, start with acknowledging God, The Creator of the universe, and tell Him how Great He is. I know, it sounds odd. Why speak amazing words about someone else when you need the encouragement? But, it is something so calming, reassuring, and fulfilling about finding an inward place of worship. It's about approaching the throne of God with an open heart and receiving from Him those things that He promises us.
It's difficult to change gears from solely depending on yourself to completely depending on someone else. If you need help getting to that inward place of worship, try this (it gets me every time! :)):
1. Get alone.
2. Get rid of distractions.
3. Clear your mind.
4. Focus on God.
5. Begin to verbally acknowledge who He is.
I MUST get on my knees to get to that place with God. It's just a sign...a symbol...of respect, honor, and to show God I AM WEAK and in desperate need of Him. Steps 2-4 might be the most difficult. It might be especially difficult while you are going through a storm...which is why it's so powerful! Before you acknowledge God, you must be sure that He is all that you are thinking about. Don't approach His throne, desiring Him, but your mind is on something rude! ;) 
When you are ready to acknowledge Him (don't rush the process...I've had to kneel in darkness for many minutes before I was able to even clear my mind and focus on Him), just start by saying who God is to you and who He has been. Be specific and don't be afraid to sound's just You and Him. Here's something I'd start with to help you get started, but please know when you approach the King, He wants to know YOUR heart...not mine.
You are Worthy.
You are Awesome.
There is none like You.
You are Mighty.
You are my Strength.
You are my Song.
You are Holy.
You are Righteous.
You are Just.
You calm the storms.
You are Love.
My trust in in You.
You are Faithful.
You are The Author and The Finisher.
You are Alpha and Omega.
Nothing is Greater than You.
You are my Rock.
`You are my King.
This is just a starter. Let the Holy Spirit lead you in your encounter with God. Find time to enter into His gates today! Spend time with Him. You'll be surprised at how amazing you will feel afterwards!

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