Tuesday, April 15, 2014

It's Crunch Time

I am a little over the half way mark! This baby is very active! I'm still thinking it's a boy deep down in my soul, but I will be happy with either. 

I have 21 weeks to go until my due date and I still have so much to do! I have really enjoyed the past few weeks that I have had to spend with family and a few awesome friends and I finally feel some energy to get up and make some things happen!

I've been doing a lot of this lately! Hugs, love, and kisses with my kiddos. I want to show them as much attention as they need and not neglect them because of my own tiredness and/or willingness to be bothered. 

And there he or she is! I'm pretty sure I will be changing my medical care here shortly to find someone more on board with my decision to VBA2C. My OB seems a little wishy washy and I don't need that! Not at this point anyways. But, nevertheless, as much as I loathe the extra intervention from doctors when it comes to medical attention, I must admit I totally dig the ridiculous amount of ultrasounds they insist on giving. That little one wouldn't be still! I'm totally thinking BOY. :)

Here are the kiddos waiting anxiously to see their unborn sibling. The office visit with the munchkins...was interesting. At one point #2 and #3 were screaming at the top of their lungs followed by a very sweet and well sung rendition of Yes, Jesus Loves Me by Leah. I'll totally rethink scheduling nap time appointments next time.

Just a glimpse of them in the car.

While I've enjoyed this first half of pregnancy, it's time to get back to business! Mommy has a VBA2C to prepare for, prenatal yoga to do, doula courses to take, and lots and lots of up-scaling for our home. I hope you will enjoy the pictures and updates to come!

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