Monday, March 4, 2013


is about 


After last year's Easter, I thought we were very clear in teaching Caleb that Easter celebrates the Resurrection of our Savior. To my surprise, a few weeks ago I asked him what Easter is about and his reply was "eggs and candy". I was not happy. So this year, we are taking a different approach of learning. 

As a teacher, sometimes I would prepare the best lesson. A lesson full of engaging activities  plenty of problems to practice, all the while having a great time. The students were happy and if you stopped by my classroom you would have been amazed. As the test approached, I knew all would be good because we reviewed and the students seemed to have known the content. Well, the test is given and majority of the students fail! What just happened? 

Like my experience with my son and in my classroom, often times we can teach our children a lesson until we are blue in the face...but are they getting it? Are they learning? How do you ensure they understand the knowledge?

This year, we are dedicating the month of March to learning about the life of Jesus. Easter is the last Sunday in this month, so each day we are reviewing the life of Jesus. I kicked it off with reading The Beginners Bible story of Easter last night. Caleb loved it! We talk so much about Jesus each and every day... Jesus loves us, we have to follow Jesus, Jesus is God's son... that when I got to the part that Jesus died on the cross, Caleb shouted in astonishment, "Jesus is DEAD?!". :) That actually made my day.

My goal is for my children to know Jesus. I want them to understand who he is and why he is so important in our lives.

Stay tuned for how this month goes...

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