My church is taking a month from its regular, but extraordinary, weekly bible studies to teach us how to share the gospel...The Share Campaign!
Interestingly enough, lately I have found myself in so many religious discussions/battles about what I believe versus what someone else believes versus what someone else believes. I am embarrassed to admit that when I feel as though I'm trying to share the good news, I'm actually doing more harm than good because these discussions sometimes become heated, offensive, and even belittling. Is that how Jesus envisioned it when he commissioned the disciples in Matthew 10? Not at all. The disciples cleansed people, made people whole, and freely gave (v. 8). If someone chose to not accept them, Jesus told them to go to dust off their feet and go elsewhere (v. 14). Jesus never forced himself on anyone.
What I have to remember is that it is about love. Love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:7-9). We must love our neighbors. If we love as we should, everything else will follow.
So in this Share Campaign, the first week about how to share the gospel is to simply LIVE. Do you have to TELL people you are a born again believer, or do people KNOW by the way you LIVE your life that something is different about you? Is there a light that shines in you that attracts those in darkness? Have you become a NEW creature in Christ, as Colossians 3 tells us. Before we even begin to talk about Jesus, The Bible, or God, we should simply LIVE a life that is acceptable to Him. Our Pastor shared last night, that if a husband has to SAY that he is the head of the house...
There is a negative and a positive way to begin sharing the gospel:
The Negative
Too many times, we try to share Jesus by telling someone how THEY have sinned, where THEY are wrong, and condemning them to hell. Sadly, we do this in our hearts before we even begin to speak the words. Have you given up on people? Thought there was no hope for someone? In case you didn't know, we don't own hell or heaven...and we certainly cannot control who goes where. A very wise man always tells me that, "...I don't have a heaven or a hell to put you in...". Don't forget Romans 3:23, we have all sinned and fallen short! Jesus died for EVERYONE! If he could save someone as lost as I was, I know he can do it for others! The way you live your live will draw so many to Christ because they should see Christ in you, not YOU!
The Positive
Our homework assignment this week to is to find someone to share our story with. Someone who already knows you, just for practice. We are to focus on why we love God. What makes me want to go to church? What makes me want to live for Christ? Why do I have joy? Focus on the goodness of your relationship with God through Christ.
My Story:
I grew up in a religious family. So I knew scriptures, I knew to go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays, I knew I should not sin...I knew RELIGION. It wasn't until a few years ago, with the help of my husband and children, that I found out what it means to have a RELATIONSHIP with God. Although I repented of my sins, accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior many years ago, this is the beginning of my story because this was when I really decided to LIVE for God. My lifestyle changed according to the love I had. I no longer wanted to do those things that I used to because I found something so sweet, so beautiful, and it made me feel like nothing else could. GOD HAS BEEN SO GOOD to me! Too many things have happened in my life that I cannot deny Him. The peace, joy, and love that I have, in spite of...I can't find that anywhere else. I am a child of God and He will take care of His children.
What brought you to Christ?
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