Saturday, March 2, 2013

Stop Procrastinating!

My wonderful husband of over six years, father of my three beautiful children, and my business partner has shared with me recently that I am a procrastinator! To my shock, he was right! :) Did it begin in college, when as a science major cramming the night before an exam? Studying nonstop with no sleep and lots of Starbucks! Or did this behavior begin earlier in my life...grade school, at home, in my extracurricular activities? Who knows, but I do know where to go to get the help I need. I opened my bible and read. So many proverbs about the lazy many situations about what happens to the half-hearted individual. Yikes! Then I remembered the very familiar scripture in Colossians that reminds us that everything we do, we should do for The Lord.

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to The Lord, and not unto men; (Colossians 3:23)
I've been going about things the wrong way this entire time. When it literally takes me hitting snooze 20 times in the morning (I seriously set my alarm clock an hour early just so I can snooze for an hour. It's something about it that makes waking up so much easier...I apologize to my husband every time) I realized I do have a problem :). I am working for God! No matter what it's for Him! When I wash dishes, when I bake, when I teach my children, even when I get myself ready for the day I am doing all of these things knowing God has a plan and He just wants me to be ready. When I am prepared, I am welcoming God in. I am more pleasant, more peaceful, and so much more happy when I'm prepared! It is much easier to allow God to use me when I'm prepared.

So here is my plan:

  1. Start my day reciting Colossians 3:23 before my Daily Devotion. I have a very short memory these days (possibly due to my three kids under the age five, the youngest being a few days shy of 11 months now, running a business, completing my Master's, managing my home, being very active at church...the list goes on) and I must repeat things to myself to remember them. I'm not letting go of snooze just yet, but when I do get up I will remember and recognize who gave me another day and I should use it to glorify Him.
  2. Start my weekly organizer. If I didn't write it, it didn't happen. There is always something running through my mind at all times of day...did I change diapers?, did I get I check inventory for work?, is the food prepared?, does baby have enough milk?, did I email...? Get my drift? So, I will actually WRITE my To Do lists and READ them daily! :)
  3. Start using the word NO. In my attempt to work in God's vineyard, I tend to bite more than I can chew. I have a big heart and I want to help everyone, but there are only 24 hours in a day. The problem is when I'm not able to follow through with promises because of my underestimating how much available time I actually have. I end up letting people down, which I hate doing because I want to help so badly.
  4. Finish projects. New rule: I can't start a new project until I've finished the one prior to it. With all of my sewing, knitting, gardening, homeschooling, etc., I oftentimes get carried away with the bright new ideas I have...which leads to me starting, but not finishing. (Just between me and you, I still have rooms in my house that I started painting five years ago that are not complete.) What does this have to do with procrasting? Well, I've found out that I'm a Jane of all trades and I can do all things through Christ (His Word is so true!), that I tend to want to try ALL things. Most of the time, it's just to see if I can do it. Once that challenge of IF I can do it is proven...I lose the passion to WANT to do it. This leads to more putting off of things. 
My prayer today:
My Father, which art in Heaven,
I give you all of the praise and glory for what you have done in my life.
You have blessed me in so many ways and I am undeserving of your mercy and grace.
You are God and God alone and I recognize your omnipotence and your righteousness.
Help me, God, with your unlimited power, to be more efficient in my daily doings.
Give me the strength and knowledge to exalt you in everything I do.
Give me wisdom to know when to say no and when to accept new things.
Use me, Lord, for the glory and edification of Your kingdom.
You bless me to be a blessing to someone else.
Use me and when it's feels I'm all used up, fill me up again, Lord, according to your riches and glory.
I thank you for your blessings and promises.
I thank you for keeping me and allowing me to let Your light shine through me. 
These things I pray and ask in Your son's name,

And I will leave you with this:

And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of The Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. (Colossians 3:17)

It's another day's journey and I'm glad about it...
#amfb #afc

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