If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O King, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.
If it be so, our God...is able to deliver us...and He will deliver us...But if not...
Am I prepared for the 'But if not' in life?
Do I have that mountain moving faith Jesus talks about in Matthew 21 to know that my God CAN, but more importantly do I have that faith to know that He may NOT, but know that my steps are ordered and He has already worked out a plan for my life.
He might not, but I know He can! Wow.
Dealing with life's disappointments...
This has been a very...sad, but strengthening week for me. I've gotten bad news after bad news. I'm praying and watching, watching and praying and I'm not embarrassed to admit that my faith was a little wavering. I remember familiar stories about Hezekiah praying and changing his circumstance, Jonah praying while waters compassed all around him and God sending a fish to his rescue (Jonah 2), and the story of three little Hebrew boys who were delivered from a fiery furnace.
Upon studying Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Rach, Shach, and Bedny :)), the realization that these young men were steadfast in their faith, not knowing if God would really deliver them. No prophet told them God would deliver them nor did Gabriel come and send them a message to fear not and know that God is with them. No dreams...visions....nothing! Its easy to accept God's promises when you've had a valid and reliable source to confirm. These three boys had no clue about what would happen. But the interesting thing here in their story is that they believed that God COULD deliver them if He wanted to. God is THAT mighty, THAT powerful, THAT righteous and those boys recognized His sovereignty. If it be so, in other words, If it be God's Will. It is all for the glory of God.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen (Hebrews 11:1). If you knew what would happen...that's not faith, right? If it be so...But if not. How do I handle the 'But if not's in life? Be still and know that He is God. I choose to not worry and trust and believe in God's power and His will.
So as life continues to throw curveballs, I will embrace every opportunity to know God might not change a circumstance because all things work according to His master plan, but that He has the power to do it. I will continue to believe in his omnipotence and intercede for saints every where!
Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!
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