Thursday, July 3, 2014

WEEK 30: Let the Countdown Begin

TEN MORE WEEKS till the due date! Of course, I know baby will come when God says it's time, but I like having a number in mind to make sure I stay on top of things. I still have so little, but so much to do. Let me give you a quick briefing of life...

Last appointment, baby was great! This little booger is still very active and is usually so active that it's difficult for anyone to snag a recording of his/her heartbeat on the doppler. However, the munchkin cooperated this time and was very calm, cool, and collected. More updates next week after the appointment! (I'm still thinking BOY, by the way :))

I'm in trimester 3 so now my appointments are every 2 weeks beginning next week! How exciting, but the birth center is about 45 minutes away :(. But I love every aspect of that place and I'm looking forward to delivery there!


I feel much better this time around, this late in the pregnancy. The difference is, I believe, due to eating much healthier and exercise. It's very hot right now in Texas...but that's it. I still sing with my church's worship team. I'm even thinking about joining a water aerobics class at our local recreational center. I'm excited.

I attribute my desire to stay healthy and fit to the fact that I am wanting to have a natural birth. God's will, I want a no intervention, no medicine, no IV, no confinement to a bed, etc., vaginal birth! After 2 cesarean sections, I need to do all I can to be prepared.


Talk about a wonderful guy! This guy seems to amaze me more and more everyday! We are growing spiritually, TOGETHER, under his authority...under God's authority. He has totally made me love him more this pregnancy. He has supported me 100% through this entire thing. He is even in his cute stage of over-protectiveness of baby and mommy. I'm loving every minute of it. He's such a great guy and I know I couldn't do it without him!

The Kiddos

 They are stoked about meeting this "Joshua". (I try to remind them that it could be a baby girl, but they are convinced this baby is a boy named Joshua.) I'm looking for really cool gifts to give to the big brothers and sister once the baby arrives. To: them, From: Baby. I think it will just make them love him or her even more. Jeremiah is ready to care for this baby...I'll have to keep my eye on that one!

Until he or she arrives, I've been keeping them busy with summer fun! I realize that we have outgrown our kiddie pool, but we still had fun.


We haven't missed a beat. We are continuing to school throughout the summer. I didn't have the desire to get out much this summer to keep them occupied, so we carried the school year into the summer time and interrupted with field trips to here and there. So far, so good. Caleb doesn't know any better, so I'm not getting much fuss from him! ;)


I wanted to take a client before baby is born. It still may happen, but mostly I will put off practicing until Baby comes. I'm reading, learning, and loving so much about helping others experience the type of birth their hearts desire. Such an amazing blessing to give birth!

I am praying to be apart of a volunteer service to better serve my community and the mommies who need the support the most!

So all in all, everything is AWESOME! I choose to not let the little things in life upset me, take for granted the bigger things in life, or the unfavorable things in life frighten me! Sometimes, I just have to sit back from asking and just worship God for all that he has already done! So here is my prayer today:

I thank You, Father, the author and the finisher of my faith,
for the many blessings You have already given me.
You are so good and worthy of all my praise.
All I have, all I am, and all I will be is because of Your love, grace, and mercy.
You are righteous in all Your ways and I humbly submit my desires to
You and Your will.
For Your Glory, I will do anything.