Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Catch Up Wednesday

As I told you guys on Monday, I am so behind on so many things.

Tuesday was Jeremiah's 3rd birthday and I didn't want to make that day all about catching up. So we enjoyed ourselves, played Legos, went to see The Lego Movie, ate cake and my baby enjoyed himself! He was just so happy. .. And if anyone knows Jeremiah, he isn't the most smiley kind of person.

I announced to friends and loved ones that we are expecting number 4. I'm 10 weeks! We were able to see The Fourth Edition on screen last week. Baby is doing great and has a strong heartbeat.

The roads have been icy, which means lots of random picture time with the kiddos. A few samples are shown below :).

So, all of the reasons why I'm behind, pretty much!

Today, my goals are to:

1. Get back on track with our studies. The kids with their schoolwork and mommy on my reading.

2. Exercise! We haven't gotten much physical activity because of the weather so we're feeling extra sluggish.

3. Make lots of phone calls. -_-

4. Laundry Wednesday! And I need to Bathroom/Mop Tuesday and Vacuum Monday ALL today.

5. Catch up on meals! Eat a warm homemade meal tonight!

6. Spend time with the love of my life!

7. Spend time with my heavenly father!

Now let's see how much of this I can get done! I'd really appreciate it if The Fourth Edition doesn't decide to ruin it all by making mommy feel so bad!  The challenge is on!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Dealing with a Bad Case of the Mumblings!

The past two weeks have been very trying. 

All three munchkins have been ill with a stomach virus (what schooling this week?), I've baked a little more than I would like for the business, I've fallen behind on...pretty much every aspect of life (laundry, groceries, cleaning, etc), and we shared the blessing that we will be expecting another munchkin in September! With that blessing came the tiredness, nausea, and loss of appetite - but so hungry syndrome. It was bad!

Of all those things, I believe I was still able to glorify God in my daily living. Every possible chance I have to share with my children about the goodness of God, I do. It amazes me when Caleb says that it's a great day because God made everything and it's all good. I was still able to sing songs of praise to an Almighty God. We still prayed together every night. Leah, 17 months, even mumbles a prayer to Our Heavenly Father with folded hands and lets out a very gracious AMEN!

But, yet, my heart is heavy.


I have been on a path of destruction! I have allowed my mouth to speak things that have been discouraging towards others, not edifying or uplifting, and possibly killing others - not physically, but spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. I have not edified the Kingdom of God in any way with the words of my mouth.

If you claim to be religious but don't control your tongue, you are fooling yourself and your religion is worthless.  James 1:26 NLT

This would be a perfect time to use the ever so played out excuse of, 'Well, I'm pregnant. My hormones..." NO! Pregnancy is not an excuse to mistreat others! So I am not making excuses for my actions. Will I be able to stand before God one day and ask Him to blot out those times in life when my hormones were out of whack? Nope, doesn't quite work that way.

My goal in life is to follow Jesus Christ and be a fisherman of men. That is it. So when my actions do not line up with my goals, I immediately stop to reevaluate. I need a plan of action to rekindle my relationship with Christ, renew the right spirit within me, and mend those relationships that I have possibly threatened.

I think it's important to remember and visit often what God has done for you. Not the things that he has blessed you with during this lifetime, but the order of events that occurred over 2000 years ago. To be reminded why we don't want to waste time, as followers of Christ, on things that are not edifying the body. So here is a brief reminder that can get any believer back on track!

1. Recognizing the GRACE and LOVE of The FATHER

That's what's so good about Him. He loves us so much and He is always accepting His children with open arms. There is no problem that is too great for Him to fix nor is there any person who is too 'bad' for Him to love. We all sin and before you know it, you could be so deep in it before recognizing what's happening (Satan is very deceitful). 

God loves us and because of that love, he has granted us an opportunity to run back to Him when we wander away. He is faithful and just to forgive us...not because we deserve it, but because He loves us and wants a relationship with His children. Grace is just that...something we don't deserve, but are able to tap into. God forgives us. But don't just stop at this point, there's more to it (keep reading)!

2. Believing the SAVING POWER of The SON

Jesus Christ was born to die. He LIVED and DIED so that we might DIE and LIVE. He is our reconciliation to God. We, as a people, are so far in sin and a God has already set in place a Savior who bore it all so we can share an inheritance of eternal life. Hallelujah!

JESUS SAVES. You must believe that He died for our sins to even understand why we need Him so much now. Jesus took on the ultimate punishment of sin so that you and I, brothers and sisters, wouldn't have to. It's already done. Just believe it. 


Knowing how much God loves me, the grace that is extended to me, the punishment Jesus took for me...I'm ready to just lift my hands and say "I'm Sorry!" Repentance is more than that guilty conviction of doing wrong. Repentance is a CHANGE. I can't reflect on those things that God has already set in place without wanting to TURN from sin.

We must stop living in sin. Once The Holy Spirit has convicted you of those wrong things in your life, STOP THEM! Aim to live a life that is pleasing and acceptable to God!


Now, what else is there to do, BUT follow Christ. He is our role model. The example we should strive for. The one we have to look up to.

I must bridle my tongue and aim to be Christ-like in all my doings! I also have a few phone calls to make to some important people in my life ;). But writing this post has definitely put me in the right mind to do so clearly and effectively. I pray it encourages you if you have some relationship building you must do.

After remembering why I'm here, who I'm doing this for, and what this is all about...there's nothing I won't do for HIM!

My prayer today:
My gracious and loving Father, 
You are so worthy to be praised and exalted
because you are so good.
You have already worked out a plan for my life
and have given me the blueprint in your Word.
And I thank you for it.
I thank you for loving me so much, 
to give your Son for my sin.
Lord, forgive me of my sins. 
Forgive me for not extending the love you've given me
to others who need that love.
Forgive me if I have made someone else stumble.
Forgive me, Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Create in me a clean heart and renew the right spirit within me!
I pray that you guide me through this day,
that your Holy Spirit dwells within me
So that I can do what you have called me to do.
Lead me, Lord.
In Jesus' name I pray.