"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14, KJV
I cannot take full credit for this post this morning. I have an individual and an event from yesterday that sparked it: My pastor on a sermon taken out of Philippians 3 and The Grammy's.
I'm no minister nor am I television critic, but I am a godly woman who is striving towards that high calling and I have found myself a bit perturbed after last night's show. As I try not get into too much detail about the show, stay with me as I share the gospel reminding every born again believer that we have work to do!
I expect the world to get worse as the times go on. I expect Satan to be on his job everyday (because what else has he to do besides roam the land to find someone to devour (Job 1:6-7)). I expect the enemy, the Prince of deception and lies, to convince individuals that they have no need for a Savior and that all they need can be found in worldly things. I expect these things.
But what I do not expect nor wish to see is for the Peculiar People, the Children of the King, the Light of the World to lower standards of God that we did not and cannot set.
We are The Children of The Kingdom! We have a Father who we must answer to and we have a big brother who has set an example for us.
As Satan infiltrates the media, the music, the schools, the workplace we CANNOT allow his way to become OUR way! NO! We must stand up for what is right, for what our Father has called us to be.
Sin is sin. Wrong is wrong. Evil is evil. There's no gray area. When Jesus taught that if you allow your eyes to make you sin, then you better pluck them out because you'd be better off blind than allowing your sin to throw you into hell with both eyes (Matthew 18:9), He wasn't joking! Unrighteousness has no place in a righteous and Holy Kingdom!
Will you sin? Of course you will. We are so far removed from godliness that we sin against God unknowingly. But once the Spirit has revealed to you your sins, does that mean you continue to live in them? Absolutely not! You repent, which means to turn from those things and you continue to abide in the Lord so that you can become more and more like Him each and every day! That's how you strive toward that HIGH calling.
As we live in this world, we must not be conformed. We cannot view the world through the eyes of man. If God says move, we move. If God says be still, we remain still. When God says something is wrong and my children will not be a part of it, you better not have anything to do with it!
We see things wrong. We know that our televisions, our social media, our music is full of lewdness, indecency, and ungodliness. Please don't become comfortable with standards that are beneath the mark that was set in Jesus Christ. As Satan continues his work, do not forget that we are in a spiritual war. The enemy is working and taking over whatever he can. Remember who's team we're on and stay clothed in the full Armor of God so that we can stand during these times!
...that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; They will slander others and have no self control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride and love pleasure rather than God...
2 Timothy 3:1-4