Thursday, July 3, 2014

WEEK 30: Let the Countdown Begin

TEN MORE WEEKS till the due date! Of course, I know baby will come when God says it's time, but I like having a number in mind to make sure I stay on top of things. I still have so little, but so much to do. Let me give you a quick briefing of life...

Last appointment, baby was great! This little booger is still very active and is usually so active that it's difficult for anyone to snag a recording of his/her heartbeat on the doppler. However, the munchkin cooperated this time and was very calm, cool, and collected. More updates next week after the appointment! (I'm still thinking BOY, by the way :))

I'm in trimester 3 so now my appointments are every 2 weeks beginning next week! How exciting, but the birth center is about 45 minutes away :(. But I love every aspect of that place and I'm looking forward to delivery there!


I feel much better this time around, this late in the pregnancy. The difference is, I believe, due to eating much healthier and exercise. It's very hot right now in Texas...but that's it. I still sing with my church's worship team. I'm even thinking about joining a water aerobics class at our local recreational center. I'm excited.

I attribute my desire to stay healthy and fit to the fact that I am wanting to have a natural birth. God's will, I want a no intervention, no medicine, no IV, no confinement to a bed, etc., vaginal birth! After 2 cesarean sections, I need to do all I can to be prepared.


Talk about a wonderful guy! This guy seems to amaze me more and more everyday! We are growing spiritually, TOGETHER, under his authority...under God's authority. He has totally made me love him more this pregnancy. He has supported me 100% through this entire thing. He is even in his cute stage of over-protectiveness of baby and mommy. I'm loving every minute of it. He's such a great guy and I know I couldn't do it without him!

The Kiddos

 They are stoked about meeting this "Joshua". (I try to remind them that it could be a baby girl, but they are convinced this baby is a boy named Joshua.) I'm looking for really cool gifts to give to the big brothers and sister once the baby arrives. To: them, From: Baby. I think it will just make them love him or her even more. Jeremiah is ready to care for this baby...I'll have to keep my eye on that one!

Until he or she arrives, I've been keeping them busy with summer fun! I realize that we have outgrown our kiddie pool, but we still had fun.


We haven't missed a beat. We are continuing to school throughout the summer. I didn't have the desire to get out much this summer to keep them occupied, so we carried the school year into the summer time and interrupted with field trips to here and there. So far, so good. Caleb doesn't know any better, so I'm not getting much fuss from him! ;)


I wanted to take a client before baby is born. It still may happen, but mostly I will put off practicing until Baby comes. I'm reading, learning, and loving so much about helping others experience the type of birth their hearts desire. Such an amazing blessing to give birth!

I am praying to be apart of a volunteer service to better serve my community and the mommies who need the support the most!

So all in all, everything is AWESOME! I choose to not let the little things in life upset me, take for granted the bigger things in life, or the unfavorable things in life frighten me! Sometimes, I just have to sit back from asking and just worship God for all that he has already done! So here is my prayer today:

I thank You, Father, the author and the finisher of my faith,
for the many blessings You have already given me.
You are so good and worthy of all my praise.
All I have, all I am, and all I will be is because of Your love, grace, and mercy.
You are righteous in all Your ways and I humbly submit my desires to
You and Your will.
For Your Glory, I will do anything.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

It's Crunch Time

I am a little over the half way mark! This baby is very active! I'm still thinking it's a boy deep down in my soul, but I will be happy with either. 

I have 21 weeks to go until my due date and I still have so much to do! I have really enjoyed the past few weeks that I have had to spend with family and a few awesome friends and I finally feel some energy to get up and make some things happen!

I've been doing a lot of this lately! Hugs, love, and kisses with my kiddos. I want to show them as much attention as they need and not neglect them because of my own tiredness and/or willingness to be bothered. 

And there he or she is! I'm pretty sure I will be changing my medical care here shortly to find someone more on board with my decision to VBA2C. My OB seems a little wishy washy and I don't need that! Not at this point anyways. But, nevertheless, as much as I loathe the extra intervention from doctors when it comes to medical attention, I must admit I totally dig the ridiculous amount of ultrasounds they insist on giving. That little one wouldn't be still! I'm totally thinking BOY. :)

Here are the kiddos waiting anxiously to see their unborn sibling. The office visit with the munchkins...was interesting. At one point #2 and #3 were screaming at the top of their lungs followed by a very sweet and well sung rendition of Yes, Jesus Loves Me by Leah. I'll totally rethink scheduling nap time appointments next time.

Just a glimpse of them in the car.

While I've enjoyed this first half of pregnancy, it's time to get back to business! Mommy has a VBA2C to prepare for, prenatal yoga to do, doula courses to take, and lots and lots of up-scaling for our home. I hope you will enjoy the pictures and updates to come!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Catch Up Wednesday

As I told you guys on Monday, I am so behind on so many things.

Tuesday was Jeremiah's 3rd birthday and I didn't want to make that day all about catching up. So we enjoyed ourselves, played Legos, went to see The Lego Movie, ate cake and my baby enjoyed himself! He was just so happy. .. And if anyone knows Jeremiah, he isn't the most smiley kind of person.

I announced to friends and loved ones that we are expecting number 4. I'm 10 weeks! We were able to see The Fourth Edition on screen last week. Baby is doing great and has a strong heartbeat.

The roads have been icy, which means lots of random picture time with the kiddos. A few samples are shown below :).

So, all of the reasons why I'm behind, pretty much!

Today, my goals are to:

1. Get back on track with our studies. The kids with their schoolwork and mommy on my reading.

2. Exercise! We haven't gotten much physical activity because of the weather so we're feeling extra sluggish.

3. Make lots of phone calls. -_-

4. Laundry Wednesday! And I need to Bathroom/Mop Tuesday and Vacuum Monday ALL today.

5. Catch up on meals! Eat a warm homemade meal tonight!

6. Spend time with the love of my life!

7. Spend time with my heavenly father!

Now let's see how much of this I can get done! I'd really appreciate it if The Fourth Edition doesn't decide to ruin it all by making mommy feel so bad!  The challenge is on!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Dealing with a Bad Case of the Mumblings!

The past two weeks have been very trying. 

All three munchkins have been ill with a stomach virus (what schooling this week?), I've baked a little more than I would like for the business, I've fallen behind on...pretty much every aspect of life (laundry, groceries, cleaning, etc), and we shared the blessing that we will be expecting another munchkin in September! With that blessing came the tiredness, nausea, and loss of appetite - but so hungry syndrome. It was bad!

Of all those things, I believe I was still able to glorify God in my daily living. Every possible chance I have to share with my children about the goodness of God, I do. It amazes me when Caleb says that it's a great day because God made everything and it's all good. I was still able to sing songs of praise to an Almighty God. We still prayed together every night. Leah, 17 months, even mumbles a prayer to Our Heavenly Father with folded hands and lets out a very gracious AMEN!

But, yet, my heart is heavy.


I have been on a path of destruction! I have allowed my mouth to speak things that have been discouraging towards others, not edifying or uplifting, and possibly killing others - not physically, but spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. I have not edified the Kingdom of God in any way with the words of my mouth.

If you claim to be religious but don't control your tongue, you are fooling yourself and your religion is worthless.  James 1:26 NLT

This would be a perfect time to use the ever so played out excuse of, 'Well, I'm pregnant. My hormones..." NO! Pregnancy is not an excuse to mistreat others! So I am not making excuses for my actions. Will I be able to stand before God one day and ask Him to blot out those times in life when my hormones were out of whack? Nope, doesn't quite work that way.

My goal in life is to follow Jesus Christ and be a fisherman of men. That is it. So when my actions do not line up with my goals, I immediately stop to reevaluate. I need a plan of action to rekindle my relationship with Christ, renew the right spirit within me, and mend those relationships that I have possibly threatened.

I think it's important to remember and visit often what God has done for you. Not the things that he has blessed you with during this lifetime, but the order of events that occurred over 2000 years ago. To be reminded why we don't want to waste time, as followers of Christ, on things that are not edifying the body. So here is a brief reminder that can get any believer back on track!

1. Recognizing the GRACE and LOVE of The FATHER

That's what's so good about Him. He loves us so much and He is always accepting His children with open arms. There is no problem that is too great for Him to fix nor is there any person who is too 'bad' for Him to love. We all sin and before you know it, you could be so deep in it before recognizing what's happening (Satan is very deceitful). 

God loves us and because of that love, he has granted us an opportunity to run back to Him when we wander away. He is faithful and just to forgive us...not because we deserve it, but because He loves us and wants a relationship with His children. Grace is just that...something we don't deserve, but are able to tap into. God forgives us. But don't just stop at this point, there's more to it (keep reading)!

2. Believing the SAVING POWER of The SON

Jesus Christ was born to die. He LIVED and DIED so that we might DIE and LIVE. He is our reconciliation to God. We, as a people, are so far in sin and a God has already set in place a Savior who bore it all so we can share an inheritance of eternal life. Hallelujah!

JESUS SAVES. You must believe that He died for our sins to even understand why we need Him so much now. Jesus took on the ultimate punishment of sin so that you and I, brothers and sisters, wouldn't have to. It's already done. Just believe it. 


Knowing how much God loves me, the grace that is extended to me, the punishment Jesus took for me...I'm ready to just lift my hands and say "I'm Sorry!" Repentance is more than that guilty conviction of doing wrong. Repentance is a CHANGE. I can't reflect on those things that God has already set in place without wanting to TURN from sin.

We must stop living in sin. Once The Holy Spirit has convicted you of those wrong things in your life, STOP THEM! Aim to live a life that is pleasing and acceptable to God!


Now, what else is there to do, BUT follow Christ. He is our role model. The example we should strive for. The one we have to look up to.

I must bridle my tongue and aim to be Christ-like in all my doings! I also have a few phone calls to make to some important people in my life ;). But writing this post has definitely put me in the right mind to do so clearly and effectively. I pray it encourages you if you have some relationship building you must do.

After remembering why I'm here, who I'm doing this for, and what this is all about...there's nothing I won't do for HIM!

My prayer today:
My gracious and loving Father, 
You are so worthy to be praised and exalted
because you are so good.
You have already worked out a plan for my life
and have given me the blueprint in your Word.
And I thank you for it.
I thank you for loving me so much, 
to give your Son for my sin.
Lord, forgive me of my sins. 
Forgive me for not extending the love you've given me
to others who need that love.
Forgive me if I have made someone else stumble.
Forgive me, Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Create in me a clean heart and renew the right spirit within me!
I pray that you guide me through this day,
that your Holy Spirit dwells within me
So that I can do what you have called me to do.
Lead me, Lord.
In Jesus' name I pray.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Pressing Towards the High Calling

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14, KJV

I cannot take full credit for this post this morning. I have an individual and an event from yesterday that sparked it: My pastor on a sermon taken out of Philippians 3 and The Grammy's.

I'm no minister nor am I television critic, but I am a godly woman who is striving towards that high calling and I have found myself a bit perturbed after last night's show. As I try not get into too much detail about the show, stay with me as I share the gospel reminding every born again believer that we have work to do!

I expect the world to get worse as the times go on. I expect Satan to be on his job everyday (because what else has he to do besides roam the land to find someone to devour (Job 1:6-7)). I expect the enemy, the Prince of deception and lies, to convince individuals that they have no need for a Savior and that all they need can be found in worldly things. I expect these things.

But what I do not expect nor wish to see is for the Peculiar People, the Children of the King, the Light of the World to lower standards of God that we did not and cannot set.

We are The Children of The Kingdom! We have a Father who we must answer to and we have a big brother who has set an example for us.

As Satan infiltrates the media, the music, the schools, the workplace we CANNOT allow his way to become OUR way! NO! We must stand up for what is right, for what our Father has called us to be.

Sin is sin. Wrong is wrong. Evil is evil. There's no gray area. When Jesus taught that if you allow your eyes to make you sin, then you better pluck them out because you'd be better off blind than allowing your sin to throw you into hell with both eyes (Matthew 18:9), He wasn't joking! Unrighteousness has no place in a righteous and Holy Kingdom!

Will you sin? Of course you will. We are so far removed from godliness that we sin against God unknowingly. But once the Spirit has revealed to you your sins, does that mean you continue to live in them? Absolutely not! You repent, which means to turn from those things and you continue to abide in the Lord so that you can become more and more like Him each and every day! That's how you strive toward that HIGH calling.

As we live in this world, we must not be conformed. We cannot view the world through the eyes of man. If God says move, we move. If God says be still, we remain still. When God says something is wrong and my children will not be a part of it, you better not have anything to do with it!

We see things wrong. We know that our televisions, our social media, our music is full of lewdness, indecency, and ungodliness. Please don't become comfortable with standards that are beneath the mark that was set in Jesus Christ. As Satan continues his work, do not forget that we are in a spiritual war. The enemy is working and taking over whatever he can. Remember who's team we're on and stay clothed in the full Armor of God so that we can stand during these times!

...that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; They will slander others and have no self control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride and love pleasure rather than God...
2 Timothy 3:1-4

Friday, January 10, 2014

Goal Setting for 2014

This year the Mr. and I want to set goals for our family. We want a productive year. With the kids staying at home most days and exciting new changes happening within our family (stay tuned), we want to make sure we stay focused!

I’m excited. I’m pumped. Let’s get started. do we get started?

This is something TOTALLY new to us. We have always been that ‘go with the flow’ couple. We did what we wanted, when we wanted (within reason, of course) and enjoyed all of the curve balls that may have come our way.

That worked when it was just the two of us. Even when Caleb came along we managed. Jeremiah showed up...things started changing. Now that Leah is here we MUST have a set schedule for mommy to keep her sanity. :)

So in preparation to organize our lives, goals setting popped up. What exactly do we want to accomplish in 2014 as a family and as individual members? More importantly, what’s the first step?

So I head to the author and finisher of our faith to ask exactly what to do. Before we do anything this year, we want to PRAY! Ask God for guidance, assistance, and grace to get through. We want to make sure we are aligned with His will and not our own.

Our goal is to please Him!

Last year we were good about praying, but not so much when it came to listening! We prayed over situations and went forward with whatever we wanted to do. Never waiting on the Lord. We do believe that God is FAITHFUL and His Word is TRUE, so we need to wait on the Lord and not seek our own desires...but HIS desires. God does and will answer prayer!

Pray with us for direction, wisdom, and strength to make it through another year to give God the glory as we stay focused with being Ambassadors for Christ.

I look forward to sharing with you our goals very soon!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

In This Season

In This Season

To every thing there is a SEASON, and a TIME to every PURPOSE under the heaven:
Ecclesiastes 3:1, KJV

Description: Understanding and embracing your time and purpose within your current season of life.

I am currently in a position in my life that requires me to love, nurture, and support. I have three young BEAUTIFUL children that require much of my time and energy. I am a wife to a very ambitious and purpose driven husband. I am working towards having a lovely, well kept home (please pray with me on this one ;)). Due to the positions of mother, wife, and homemaker I must be loving, nurturing, and supportive.

While all of that sounds good, I don't think my positions in life sat down to have a conversation with my brain because I was still trying to accomplish dreams of my own. I used to be that career driven, top of my game type individual who wanted nothing more than to excel in my industry. The seasons in my life shifted, but I was still caught up in the previous season. The weather had changed and I was not prepared.

Out of my reluctance to accept the temperature change, I found myself disappointed, unhappy, angry, difficult to be around...just to name a few. It was bad. I knew something was wrong...just hadn't figured out what that something was.

I think the Apostle Paul said it best when he wrote in Philippians Chapter 4 verse 11 " whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." I couldn't effectively proclaim the gospel to my children in the moods I was in! Caleb is almost six now, not too much gets past him. Children have an interesting knack of recognizing phonies almost immediately.

So, here are some tips that helped me get through changing seasons. I hope they are a blessing to you.

Seasons Change
It's inevitable. Don't fight it. Things change.

Recognize in your life when seasons are about to change. The best way to prepare is to PRAY! Ask God for understanding, patience, and a right spirit to get through the times. Remember that God ultimately knows the why, we don't. Reflect on Romans 8:28:

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose."

This year, I am saying, "Yes, LORD!" Whatever it is He has for me, I trust that He has it in His hands and I don't need to worry about it! Worrying is not an option.

Value the Time
Have you ever complained so much about a certain season in your life, that when it was over you actually missed it? How CRAZY is that...I'm so guilty. When I was in college, I couldn't wait to graduate and start my true adult life. When adulthood started, I wanted to go back to my college days. It's something about our flesh never being satisfied. That's why I deem it very important to keep our minds on those things spiritual and not carnal. The enemy will try to make any situation look bad.

But there is always some good...lessons to be learned, love to be given, and always opportunities to show someone else grace and mercy as our Lord has shown us.

Embrace your season by valuing your time in that season...for it, too, shall pass. Enjoy yourself. Find joy in the small things, the smiles of your loved ones, the hugs and kisses, the cramped bed when all of your children decide to sleep in your bed... Turn this face -_- into :).

Know Your Purpose
Let's not forget what our purpose is! Each of us has a ministry, depending upon our own specific talents and experiences, with the ultimate purpose of bringing others to Christ. We often get caught up in the things of this world that we forget our purpose. Each season will have its specific purpose for you and your life, but also for the eternal lives of others. Whether we are to learn, act, or simply love in our seasons, it is all for the glory of God and His kingdom.

Solomon ends the famous passage in Ecclesiastes 3 with:
9 What do people really get for all their hard work? 10I have seen the burden God has placed on us all. 11Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. 12So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can. 13And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God.
14And I know that whatever God does is final. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it. God’s purpose is that people should fear him. 15What is happening now has happened before, and what will happen in the future has happened before, because God makes the same things happen over and over again.

Now, if that doesn't make you happy...I don't know what else will.
Be blessed.